The brain is the powerhouse of the whole body. In terms of functionality and intelligence, our minds complete the entirety of our self. The brain is so powerful that it can dictate all that we see, hear, do, feel, smell, taste, say and think. Without the brain, who are we to exist?
The conscious and the unconscious mind are the hard discs of our body. They are responsible in storing all important information and events that we had and we will be encountering. It is so unbelievable to know that the mind is the most compact thing on earth. Imagine the tasks it has to undergo. Aside from that, the brain can also accomplish multiple tasks in every angstrom of a second! Awesome it is.
This article will discuss the importance and power of the unconscious mind since it is the one which concept is quite vague. To start with, the power of the unconscious mind in general is its ability to retrieve.
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Retrieval of past and long time events, people, places, names, and other information, which had been forgotten by the conscious mind are stored and saved in the unconscious mind. However, the conscious mind does not automatically retrieve events. It needs a certain stimuli to react on. The subconscious mind needs a little hunch onto whether or not to retrieve data.
For instance, you had stayed in a certain country for twelve years. Since birth up to your twelfth year, you stayed and grew up in a native land and far from civilization. You were used to countryside living with your grandparents. Until one day, you must leave countryside for the U.S. Your parents had finished the petition for you. Then off you go to the U.S.
The moment you stepped to its foreign soil until now that you are 48 years of age is quite a long stay to cite. One morning, as you were walking through Rodeo Drive, you bumped into a man. He was so familiar to you that you stared at him for so long. After a while, you uttered his name and hugged him in happiness. He was your childhood best friend. Now you realize the power of the unconscious mind.
This is how the subconscious mind works. It will slowly process past events until you come with the final output. As you go on talking with your childhood friend, more and more data is retrieved. Just like when the two of you had your circumcision, or the story of your biggest fight, you’re most dramatic experience with each other or the happiest or saddest moments that you had together.
Therapy with a psychologist can also be helpful in releasing the power of the subconscious mind. Therapists use the method of hypnosis induction. This process uses words or phrases to motivate and squeeze the content of the subconscious mind for desirable outcome. The result can either be based on a conscious and subconscious level.
If the therapist will assess that the process is progressing through the subconscious level, he or she will use more words to produce more satisfactory statements from the patient. The power of the unconscious mind can show and even conceal data depending on what triggers it to do so.
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